

池田 大さん
楽しみにしていたラグビーの試合が中止になったことは大変残念なことですが、それでも市長のボブパーカー氏は、今は、ラグビーよりも市民の生活の基盤を固めることが大切、といっておりました。 特に、クライストチャーチは観光産業において南島のGATEWAYですので、今後は、一刻も早くTOURISTが安心して訪れることのできる街づくりに専念します、といってました。

Natalie Cadenheadさん カンタベリー博物館 南極キュレーター

Hi Makoto
I am emailing you from my home in Christchurch as the museum is still not accessible due to our earthquake.
I have now got power etc so can access emails. I am quite concerned to know if you are ok and safe regarding the huge earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant issues in Japan. All your friends in Canterbury Museum send you their best wishes and hope that you are safe away from the disaster zone. Let me know if there is any help you need.
With best wishes
Natalie Cadenhead
Christchurch, NZ

Dear Makoto
Great to hear that you are ok. We have been watching the devestation in Japan on our televisions - it is unimaginable!. Our house stood up well again to the quake although we do have a lot of damage.
It is still liveable and we now have power, water and some sewerage services so we are very lucky.
We also had very large amounts of liquifaction (silt) which we are progressively digging out.
As with many others in Christchurch I do know people who have died and also were injured in the quake and I think (like Japan) it is going to take a long time to recover from its effects. Our director Anthony asked if you were ok so I have cc'd him into this email. I will let you know when the Museum is up and running again.
I am sorry to hear of the cancellation of the reception but completely understand.
Hopefully NZ can do something to celebrate Shirase in 2012
(end of the expedition rather than the start).

Wishing you well



Dear Mak

My wife Sue and I very much remember you, your charachter is one that is not easily forgotten, and we recall your fondness at the time for a kiwi lager brand. We have since then exchanged Christmas card with the harpist each year. My wife remembers you as a very lovely man.

Sue and I moved to a home in the central city only last December, which had been a major renovation project for us and only in the last month, had I movrd my office to the home. Sadly, it has been extensively damaged and not safe to enter, and will have to be demolished. We are unsure whether we will be able to remove personal possessions, much of very sentimental value such as a plate given to us by the late Dr Kawase.

Fortunately, we were away from Christchurch on the day of the earthquake and we are now living in the Country (not far from Rangiora) with Sue's sister and her husband, where we are safe and secure. We are waiting to see what may happen and unsure of our plans.

Our home was very close to Latimer Square and we think of the CTV building where we know so many young japanese students have lost their lives. It is hard to understand why so many of these buildings have come down.

Please pass on our kind regards to Ms Sakai and our appreciation for her concern.

Iwako Graham rang me last week and she is okay but I believe she has some dementia. Sue and I intend to visit her soon.

Kind regards
Alister James


こんにちわ、クライストチャーチからです。 今友人から連絡があり、このサイトを拝見させていただきました。 募金の写真を見て感激して涙が止まりませんでした。本当にありがとうございま す。 私達も頑張って、前より美しいクライストチャーチに変えていきます! 関係者の皆様に宜しくお伝え下さい。 ありがとうございます。




2/22、仕事からの帰宅途中、携帯が鳴った。以前同職した人からのものだった。めったに電話をよこさない人なので嫌な予感がした。身近な人の不幸ではな く、NZの地震のことであった。朝からメディアから離れていたため、そんな大事件が起こったことを全く知らなかった。<br>

注釈) 亀井さんは当時養護学校の教員で(1999年)、NZの養護学校、障害者教育について知りたくて、当協会を訪ねていらっした方で、それ以来ずっと協会の会員です。


今回は仕事の車にのって信号待ちをしているところで、タイヤがパンクして爆発するのかと思うくらいの揺れで、あんなに電柱や看板が揺れて、道路が揺れるのを見るのは初めてでした。怖かったです…  こちらに戻ってきて、やっとクライストチャーチの生活が楽しくなってきたところで、またこんな地震で死者が出たということが悲しくて仕方ありません。


From: MAK Limited [makltd@d1.dion.ne.jp]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 February 2011 10:52 p.m.
To: Field, Roger; Byrne, Robyn; Currie, Sarah; Costello, Errol
Subject: The Earthquake

Dear Roger, Robyn, Sarah, Errol,
I am very sorry to hear about the another disaster hit Christchurch today. It's also the top news of the evening here in Japan. Everybody reminded Kobe with the video of badly damaged buildings in CBD. How are you and your family, the University ? I hope nobody was injured and the building had no great damage. Shuko Fujimura, the no.1 daughter of Dr Kawase joins me to send you her feeling of sympathy.

Many thanks for your thoughts. You are among the many graduates I have heard from in the past 30 hours.
Fortunately the Lincoln University campus and buildings were not as badly affected this time round, however the human impact across Christchurch is truly devastating, and going to take a long time to recover from.
At this stage I have no information regarding particular individuals, but suggest that people use their own networks - emails, facebook, mobile phones whereever possible to contact those they know. However many areas have no power (hence no phone), water, or homes have been so badly damaged that individuals and families have moved to be with others, or out of town. Many of these people are just sorting the vitals they need to keep their family together and will make contact when they are able.
Your thoughts and contact is appreciated, and I am more than happy to pass information as I am able.

Hello Mak
I am emailing you from home today as the University is closed but will
reopen in a few days. Very little damage at the University but the centre
of Christchurch city is devastating, a terrible event. We are in cleanup
mode at present. Thank you for your kind regards, we have such warm memories
of your visit.?

ニュートン ドッジさんからの返事
Thank you for the email
Sorry for delay as NO Electricity for Email
YES Big angry Shake, right here in Christchurch AGAIN.
I report NO Problem with Newton Dodge house and family all very well.
NO Problem with Cheryl Thorne House and family all right.
ONLY Big problem is NO Power, NO Water, NO Sewers so we have shifted into daughter Amandas Home with them.
Cheryl is camping at her house with her daughter and is 'CAMPING' with Gas BBQ and Canvas Tent.
HOWEVER CITY Central is very BAD. Many crushed in falling building (75 at the moment)
The Central city is in very bad way
We are all well.
Newton Dodge